study 1

In future i would like to study design graphic because i like the way designer doing. Its part of my hobby to mixing color and combining pattern, and also there is no pressure as my willingness. Opportunity for being expert designer in industry are valuable enough to enter. For example, the advertising company which become more grow by year more over in the future.
The interesting about designing is i love sketching, and pastel tone always impress me. i thought that when im in hurry or stabilize mood i put natural or pastel into my drawring but opposite by angry mood ill put dark and fire too. Its possible to happend spontaniously as long as not bother my work i would did. Anyway dark colour is not scary at all, man used to choose as their favorite color to wear. Therefore dont be afraid to combine a dark colour as long as it participate good view.
I agree that designing doesnt need any formal course to study since i never learning at university, but we need expand the link to support our carrier and  i would like to take design or advertising major for my higher degree. As my thought, Indonesia also have some school with the capacity teaching design but not famous enough. So i really want to study in abroad especially university of art in london. There is pretty much clearly future since some designer also graduate from UOA.
I wish and pray everyday that upon a time im lucky enough to getting there, financed by schoolarship and my english test running well, no banned .


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