tempel picnic

i write this notes in tempel. i need to relax by 2 days in weekend.
i also do not want to be so rush. so i take bus to my friends village . ya so exciting after almost 4 years i do not ride a bus.
by the korean transportation i believe if indonesian bus give more facility will be really satisfied like AC, comfort seat, magazine, etc. i know the problem is about government legislation, indeed in economy .

but, ya i just want to be happily ever after (:
thats what my religion tell for me.

i always remember sardor said to his sister.

Никогда никого не слушай.Имей своё мнение.Свою голову. Свои мысли и идеи. Планы на жизнь.Не гонись ни за кем.Только шаг навстречу,но не в догонку.Это–жизнь. Никто за тебя не будет строить твоё счастье. Всеми управляет зависть!Никого не слушай.Иди своей дорогой и не важно,что говорят за спиной. Говорили,говорят и всегда будут говорить. Тебя это не должно волновать.Люби.Твори. Мечтай.И,будь сильным и знай что ты самая прекрасная.

Never listen to Have their opinion. .. his head. Your thoughts and ideas. Plans for life. Not gonis′ nor for whom only the step forward, but not in dogonku. This is the life. None of you will not build your happiness. Manages all envy! nobody listen. go your way and no matter what people say behind your back. Talking, talking and always will say. You should not worry. lyubi. express yourself. Dream, be strong and know that you are the most beautiful.

so..this is the reason why i suppose to enjoy my precious time (:
i dont care even someone there very envy or hates my life ~

sheila, ozy, farell, sub . we have picnic in kaliurang park and also visit merapi museum then we meet a volkswagen reunion . we ride sheila new nissa livina car ~ and i drive for a while because sheila sim A lost for a moment. 
we sleep together in sheilla super elegant house because no one here and the facility really awesome. i wish someday i could has a home like those design :D

i also happy hear oppa bruce have a nice weekend in ganghwa islan south korea, and another else.

so thanks for read my outpouring of the heart ! nice to meet you ~


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