this is the first time i published to my friends, that i really want to going south korea middle of july,
its complex story since i was knew in early april about the candidate..
first i didnt mean to applt this schoolarship program, both i never plan about korea trip before.
i just want to accompany my friends as the same applicant, because she so scared about her self, so i advice to him to being brave and confident, another ways she was preparing very detailed about Korea due her dream to going korea.

its different with me, coz i dont understand about hangeul, i just lil bit knowledge about korea, but my another friend suggest me to going even i dont understand about alphabetical hangeul.

now, the fact is a mirorr, coz i just want to make sure to my self, i can handle this trip, well, we both have different class in there, so i need repackaging about anything there.

well done, my closed fam n friend were really happy hear those news, but me . YES ! IM HAPPY :D


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