wonosobo on vacation

Do you ever hear -dieng plateau- ? ive been there for a half day.
and i gonna tell my short trip. ^^
when i looked map there's 3 hours trip going wonosobo, immediately i looking for -alternative route- . found it then we pull out at 06.00 am.
alternative route means curvaceous way together with other container and bus.
only 2 hours we arrived, and i guess this is the place,but in fact here's only entrance, the site is about 24km more.

But you don't need to worry, because if you intrepid you'll enjoy the landscape, coincidental along of my trip to the site are bad weather so fog accompanied us, its feel like you're in other world such as heaven of a kind of afterlife film. the for hinder our visibility only 10 m, i driving watchfull.
finally we come to first destination
warna and pengilon lake :

telaga warna / "color lake" mean everyone have a different character and only in one lake there's three color consist of : chocolate, blue , green, its occured because sunshine blend with substances in the water, while beside the telaga warna is telaga pengilon "mirror lake" mean every people must -look at the mirror of herself before judge other people-.

we also visit to 5 cave in one complex such as : jaran, semar, sumur cave, i forget two else. but actually every cave have human parable.

after wards we reach the climb stairs until post view / dieng plateau theater which we able to watch of dieng plateau film's
 then we also come to kawah sikidang / sikidang crater.
occurs because the heat of the earth appears on the surface, the smell of sulfur is very pronounced .
event we get when it rains, but it doesnt really matter because we prepared some of jacket,scraft, and umbrella.

for the last visit is museum in front of dieng temple, which filled sacred objects, dieng society and culture.

and this is the main sights of dieng -temple-,
its was beautiful. expanse of grass, temple surrounded by mountains.

From the stone inscriptions were found, says figures year 731 Saka (809 AD) and AD 1210, of this information can be used as an indication that the Hindu holy places are used less than 4 centuries. From the architecture of the temples in the complex is somewhat different than the general temples in Java, especially Bima temple. Shape the top of the temple is a mix of architectural styles Milky North India and South India.
i just wonder, how far people from 7 century's come to dieng indonesia where the place is far away from civilization. OMG !!

and after all rain, we back to DIY at magrib then i saw my car temperature 22c . 


  1. Saya mengunjungi dieng tahun lalu. How a wonderful place it is.

  2. dieng really adorable :) kalau kesana harus bawa payung dan pakaian hangat. Sekarang katanya di dekat kawah sikidang ada stand photo dengan konsep kostum korea, teman saya sudah coba.. wah jadi daya tarik baru nih :)


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