Hardiknas : KH.Dewantara Trace

hardiknas, one of routine activities held in Indonesia. 2 Mei is special date which Ki Hajar Dewantara as first education activities born. as prosperous nation in developing country, DIY province suggest sustained program to defenses unity. Indonesia have regulatory legislation UUD 45 united in NKRI, every one should actualization her self, assesment accurately about the attitude. reduce violations, increase obedience. Hardiknas 2011, "Character Education Pillar National Awakening As with the sub theme of Achievement Awarded " as minister national education said, M.Nuh. Indonesia can be competitive compared to other countries, only need confidence. Its need person who can lead to her self, not talk about disgrace other people. lets show our ability to trigger other villages which left behind, abandon laziness attitude, and follow the original Ki Hajar Dewantara Trace ! defense officer ...